Are you ready to face the winter with warm clothes and blankets? But this list of winter preparations will remain incomplete without naming the right food. During this time, eat foods that will keep you warm from the inside and boost immunity. With the arrival of winter, some problems may occur in some bodies. Like arthritis pain, skin problems like dryness, itching etc.
Having a strong immune system in winter doesn’t just mean staying away from illness; Rather, it also works to keep our hair, skin and bone health good. Arthritis sufferers dread winters as their joint pains increase as their temperature drops. Also, skin dryness, hair roughness, skin itching etc. also increase during winter.
There are many foods that fight for the body during winters and deliver the right nutrients to the body as needed. It is very important to eat the right food to maintain good health and increase immunity during this time. Not only during winters, but according to the weather and season, a balanced diet should be taken throughout the year. Know about 5 foods that can boost immunity in winter-
Winter foods that helps to increase immunity
Pure ghee contains easily digestible fats that provide quick energy and heat to the body. As a result, the body gets warm easily. Eating ghee in moderation can also protect our skin from dryness. You can use ghee in regular cooking or mix it with roti, parota, rice, polao, khichuri etc.
Sweet potato
One of the most popular winter vegetables is sweet potato. It is rich in fiber, vitamin A and potassium. Regular consumption of sweet potatoes can help with constipation, boost immunity and reduce inflammation in the body. Eating a piece of sweet potato will add the required beta carotene for the day. It works very well to strengthen the immune system. Also it fills the deficiency of vitamin C in the body. If you want, you can eat it burnt or boiled with milk.
Amalki looks small but it is packed with nutrients. Vitamin C in it boosts immunity and keeps infections at bay. You can eat Amalaki jam, pickle, candy, chutney, juice etc. It is best if raw amlaki can be eaten mixed with a little salt.
Dates are not only good to eat, but this fruit can also be used to make a variety of sweet dishes. It is known to everyone that there are many benefits of eating dates. It is especially effective for arthritis patients. Known to be effective in curing various diseases, dates have enough vitamins, minerals, fiber and calcium. It also works to keep bones and teeth healthy. It is especially effective in curing various bone problems. Eating dates for breakfast and afternoon snack will give your body energy. As a result, you can stay away from laziness or fatigue even in winter. It nourishes the skin and acts to retain moisture in the skin.
An alternative to sugar, this food has warming properties. Jaggery is equally effective in anemia as it contains a lot of iron. It is important to keep iron levels adequate during winter. Because if the amount of iron decreases, the lack of oxygen in the body can occur. As a result, the cold is felt more. Eating jaggery also works to clean our lungs. So it is more beneficial during winters.
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