
499 biblical boy names and meanings ! Unique & Modern

Unique biblical boy names, 1,000 biblical boy names, Unique biblical boy names and meanings, Powerful biblical boy names, Christian baby boy names, Biblical girl names, Modern biblical names for boys, Strong unique biblical boy names.

In addition to popular Bible names like Noah and Jacob, the US Top 25 for baby boys also features names such as James, Benjamin, Elijah, Lucas, Ethan, Samuel, David, and Asher. Unique biblical names gaining traction in the US, UK, and Australia include Felix, Cyrus, Ezra, and Thaddeus.

The choice of biblical names for boys often reflects the significance of faith and religion in parents’ lives. Classic biblical names like John, James, Joseph, and Thomas have consistently ranked highly in the US since the 19th century. Over time, these names have become so familiar that their biblical origins may sometimes be overlooked.

In recent years, Old Testament names that were once considered outdated have seen a resurgence. Names such as Abraham, Moses, Micah, Jonah, and Abel are becoming increasingly popular. This trend extends beyond earlier revived names like Adam, Zachary, and Samuel.

Old Testament names are predominantly favored by Jewish parents, while Christian parents often choose names from both the Old and New Testaments, including Jesus Christ.

Beautiful Unique Baby girl Names A to Z complete List 2024

New Testament names such as Silas, Jude, Titus, and Luke are also gaining popularity. James remains a classic choice from the New Testament, popular as both a first and middle name, and is even beginning to be used for girls. Other trending biblical names for boys include Asher, Abel, and Abraham.

As parents seek distinctive yet meaningful names, the Bible offers a rich source of inspiration. Unique biblical names that are increasingly heard today include Abiah, Azariah, Boaz, Lazarus, Lucius, Phineas, and Rufus.

Biblical names for boys are also popular outside the US. In the UK, Noah, Jacob, and Thomas are top choices, while in Germany, Paul and Elias lead the list. In France, Gabriel and Adam are the most favored biblical names for boys.

For more information on biblical boy names, visit MINCITER.COM, the top baby registry service.

Here’s a table summarizing the names and their meanings, along with the Bible references:

NameMeaningBible Mention
AaronTeacher, Lofty, Mountain of strengthExodus 4:14
AbaddonThe DestroyerRevelation 9:11
AbagthaFortunate oneEsther 1:10
AbanaMade of stone, Building2 Kings 5:12
AbdielServant of God1 Chronicles 5:15
AbednegoServant of light, ShiningDaniel 1:7
AbelBreath, VaporGenesis 4:2
AbiahJehovah is my father, My father is Yahweh1 Samuel 8:2
AbidanFather of judgmentNumbers 1:11
AbishalomFather of peace1 Kings 15:2
AbishuaFather of safety, Father of salvation1 Chronicles 6:4
AbnerFather of light1 Samuel 14:51
AbramExalted fatherGenesis 11:10-27
AbrahamFather of the multitudeGenesis 17:5
AdamOf the ground, Taken out of the red earthGenesis 2:4
AdinaSlender, Delicate1 Chronicles 11:42
AdrielGod’s helper, Man’s saver1 Samuel 18:19
AenonA cloud, Fountain, His eyeJohn 3:23
AmariahJehovah has promised, Yahweh has said1 Chronicles 6:7
AmaziahStrength of GodGenesis 11:27
AmokValley, DepthNehemiah 12:7
AmosBurden, One who bears the burdenAmos 1:1, Book of Amos
AnaniCovered with God1 Chronicles 3:24
AnaniasAnswered by the LordActs 5:1
AndrewA strong manMatthew 4:18
AndronicusVictory of a manRomans 16:7
ApollosOne who destroys, Youthful god of musicActs 18:24
AquilaEagleActs 18:2
AsaPhysician, Cure1 Kings 15:8
AsahelGod is doer, God hath made2 Chronicles 17:8
AsherHappyGenesis 30:13
AsrielVow of god, God is joinedNumbers 26:31
AzareelGod is a helper1 Chronicles 12:6
AzariahHe that hears the Lord1 Kings 4:2
AzmonBone of a bone, Our strengthNumbers 34:4
BarakThunderJudges 4:6
BartholomewSon of TalmaiMatthew 10:3
BaruchBlessedNehemiah 3:20
BenjaminSon of the right handGenesis 49:27
BethuelAbode of God, Dweller in GodGenesis 22:22
CainAcquisition, Fabrication, PossessedGenesis 4:1
CalebFaithful like a dog, Devotion of the faithfulNumbers 13:6
ClaudiusCrippledActs 18:2
CorneliusThe beam of the sunActs 10:3
DalphonThe house of caves, DroppingEsther 9:7
DanielGod is my judgeEzekiel 14:14, Book of Daniel
DariusA king, He that informs himselfEzra 4:5
DavidBeloved1 Samuel 16:1
DishonLeapingGenesis 36:21
EbenezerRock of help1 Samuel 4:1
EladahGod hath adorned1 Chronicles 7:20
EdreiA very great massNumbers 21:33
EleadGod is witness, God continues1 Chronicles 7:21
EleazarGod is helperExodus 6:23
EliakimGod is setting up2 Kings 18:18
ElielGod, God is God1 Chronicles 5:24
ElihuHe is my God1 Samuel 1:1
EliezerGod is my helpExodus 18:4
ElijahMy God is Yahweh1 Kings 17:1
ElimThe rams, The strong, StagsExodus 15:27
EliphazThe endeavor of GodGenesis 36:4
ElishaMy God is salvation1 Kings 19:16
ElonOak, Grove, StrongGenesis 26:34
EmmanuelGod is with usIsaiah 7:14
EnochDedicatedGenesis 5:24
EphraimDoubly fruitfulGenesis 41:52
EranWatchful, VigilantNumbers 26:36
ErastusBelovedActs 19:22
EsauHairy, RoughGenesis 25:25
EthanAncient, Firmness, Perplexity1 Kings 4:31
EzekielGod is strong, The man God strengthensEzekiel 1:3
EzraHelp, My helperEzra 7:1
FelixHappy, ProsperousActs 23:24
GabrielGod is my strengthDaniel 8:16
GaddielGoat of God, The Lord is my happinessNumbers 13:10
GaiusI am gladActs 19:29
GamalielMy reward is GodActs 5:34
GideonA cutting down, He that bruises, Great warriorJudges 6:1
HazielVision of God, God is seeing1 Chronicles 23:9
HebronUnion, CompanyExodus 6:18
HelekSmoothness, PortionNumbers 26:30
HermasInterpreter, Mercury
HezekiahJehovah is strength, A strong support is Jehovah2 Kings 16:20
HiramExalted brother2 Samuel 5:11
IsaacLaughterGenesis 17:19
IsaiahJehovah is helper, Salvation is of the Lord2 Kings 19:2, Book Of Isaiah
IshuahEqual, Self-satisfiedGenesis 46:17
IsraelHe striveth with God, God contends, Ruling with GodGenesis 32:28
JacobHe who supplants, He who follows afterGenesis 25:26
JadaWise, Knowing1 Chronicles 2:28
JairusHe will enlighten, He will diffuse lightMark 5:22
JakimA setter up, He raises up1 Chronicles 8:19
JamesSupplanterMatthew 4:21
JaphethBeauty, Let him enlarge, He that persuadesGenesis 5:32
JaredDescending, He that descendsGenesis 5:20
JasonHealing, He that curesRomans 16:21
JedaiahJehovah is praised, Jehovah knoweth1 Chronicles 4:37
JedidiahBeloved of Jehovah, Jehovah is a friend2 Samuel 12:25
JehielGod will live1 Chronicles 15:18
JemimaHandsome as the dayJob 42:14

499 biblical boy names and meanings ! Unique & Modern

NameMeaningBible Mention
JerahThe Moon, Month, or Sweet smellingGenesis 10:26
JerahmeelGod will have pity1 Chronicles 2:9
JeremiahJehovah is high or Exalted of God2 Kings 23:31
JerichoThe Moon or FragranceNumbers 22:1
JerohamLove or He finds mercy1 Samuel 1:1
JesaiahJehovah is opulent or hath saved1 Chronicles 12:6
JesimielGod sets up1 Chronicles 4:36
JesseJehovah exists, Firm, or GiftRuth 4:17
JobOne ever returning to God, He that weeps, or PersecutedJob 1:1
JoelJehovah is God or The Lord is God1 Chronicles 4:35
JohnGod is gracious or Mercy of the LordActs 4:6
JonathanJehovah has given or The Lord gaveJudges 18:30
JordanTo flow down or DescendGenesis 13:10
JosephMay Jehovah add or increaseGenesis 30:24
JoshuaJehovah is salvationExodus 17:9
JosiahThe fire of the Lord or Jehovah supports1 Kings 13:2
JothamThe perfection of the LordJudges 9:5
JubalHe that runs or TrumpetGenesis 4:21
JudasPraiseMatthew 26:15
KorahBaldness or IcyGenesis 36:5
LaelDevoted to GodNumbers 3:24
LazarusGod has helpedLuke 16:19
LemuelDevoted to God or God is brightProverbs 31:1
LeviJoined or AttachedGenesis 29:34
LuciferBringing light or Son of the morningIsaiah 14:12
LuciusLuminous or WhiteActs 13:1
LukeLuminous2 Corinthians 8:16
MalachiMy messenger or Messenger of JehovahMalachi 1:1
MarkShining or A large hammerActs 12:12
MatthewGift of JehovahMatthew 9:9
MicahOne who is like GodJudges 17:1
MichaelOne who is like GodDaniel 10:13
MosesDrawn forth or Taken out of the waterExodus 2:10
MishaelHigh place or Who is like GodExodus 6:22
NadabOf one’s free will or LiberalExodus 6:23
NahalielValley of God or InheritanceNumbers 21:19
NahalalPraised or BrightJoshua 19:15
NahumCompassionate, Comforter, or Full of comfortNahum 1:1
NathanHe hath given or Rewarded1 Chronicles 3:5
NathanaelThe gift of GodJohn 1:45
NecoOne who was beaten2 Chronicles 35:20
NehemiahJehovah has consoledNehemiah 1:1
NekodaHerdsman or DistinguishedEzra 2:48
NemuelGod is spreadingNumbers 26:9
NereusWaterRomans 16:15
NicodemusInnocent blood or Victor over the peopleJohn 3:1
NoahRest or ReposeGenesis 6:8
ObadiahServant or Worshiper of Jehovah1 Kings 18:3
OmarMountaineer, Eloquent, or He that speaksGenesis 36:11
OphelHelp2 Chronicles 27:3
OsheaJehovah is salvationNumbers 13:8
OthnielThe Powerful one or the Lion of GodJudges 1:13
OzniAttentive or Jehovah hearsGenesis 46:16
PaulLittleActs 13:7
PerezDivided or DistinctionGenesis 38:29
PeterRock or StoneMatthew 4:18
PhilemonFriendly or AffectionatePhilemon 1:1
PhiletusBeloved or Worthy of love2 Timothy 2:17
PhilipWarrior or Lover of horsesMatthew 10:3
PhineasFace of trust or Mouth of a serpentExodus 6:25
RakemFriendship or Variegated1 Chronicles 7:16
RamiahJehovah is exaltedEzra 10:25
RephaelGod is a healer1 Chronicles 26:7
ReubenBehold a son or Vision of the sonGenesis 29:32
RoshA chief, Prince, or The beginningGenesis 46:21
RufusRedMark 15:21
RumahExalted or Sublime2 Kings 23:36
SamsonDistinguished, Strong, or His sunJudges 13:24
SamuelHeard or Asked of God1 Samuel 1:1
SaulAsked for or DemandedActs 7:58
SergiusTo serve or To guardActs 13:7
SethCompensation, Appointed, or SubstitutedGenesis 4:25
ShebaSeventh or An oathGenesis 10:7
SimonHears and obeys or Hearing with acceptanceMatthew 4:18
SilasLover of wordsActs 15:22
SivanThe ninth month or third month of the ecclesiastical yearEsther 8:9
SolomonPeace2 Samuel 5:14
StephenCrown or WreathActs 6:5
TarsusWinged or FeatheredActs 9:11
TheophilusLoved by God or Friend of GodLuke 1:3
ThomasTwinMatthew 10:3
TheudasFlowing with waterActs 5:36
TimonHonorable or WorthyActs 6:5
TimothyWorshiping God or Honor of GodActs 16:1
TitusHonorableActs 16:1
TobiasJehovah is goodEzra 2:60
TilonSmall mound or Small walk1 Chronicles 4:20
UriLight of Jehovah or EnlightenedExodus 31:2
UelThe will of GodEzra 10:34
UriasJehovah is light2 Kings 16:10
UrielGod is my light1 Chronicles 6:24
VaniahGod is praise or DistressEzra 10:36
ZachariahJehovah has remembered2 Kings 14:29
ZebadiahJehovah has endowed or The Lord is my portion1 Chronicles 8:15
ZerahSprout or Springing up of lightGenesis 36:13
ZemiraA melody or A song1 Chronicles 7:8
ZephaniahJehovah is darkness or God hidesZephaniah 1:1
ZohethCorpulent or Strong1 Chronicles 4:20
ZoharShining or DistinctionGenesis 23:8
ZurielGod is a rockNumbers 3:35

Biblical boy names and meanings ! Unique & Modern

Aaron: As you mentioned, Aaron was Moses’ brother and the first high priest of the Israelites. His name might also be connected to the Hebrew word for “exalted” or “mountain.”

Abel: Abel’s story is quite significant, being one of the earliest figures in biblical narrative. The name, meaning “breath,” symbolizes the fleeting nature of life.

Abner: A strong name meaning “father of light,” Abner played a crucial role in the biblical story as a commander and ally.

Abraham: Known as the patriarch of the three major monotheistic religions, Abraham’s name signifies “father of many nations,” reflecting his central role in biblical history.

Abram: The original name of Abraham, which means “exalted father,” reflects his status before the covenant that changed his name.

Abijah: A king in the lineage of David, Abijah’s name translates to “God is my father,” emphasizing his divine connection.

Absalom: A tragic figure in the Bible, Absalom’s name means “father of peace,” which is ironic given his rebellion against King David.

Adam: The first man in the Bible, Adam’s name connects to the Hebrew word for “earth” or “soil,” symbolizing his creation from the ground.

Adriel: Although mentioned briefly in the Bible, Adriel’s name meaning “flock of God” carries a gentle and pastoral quality.

Ahab: Known for his controversial reign, Ahab’s name meaning “father’s brother” reflects his familial connections.

Alexander: Although not a primary biblical figure, the name Alexander meaning “defender of men” has historical significance due to its Greek roots.

Amnon: His tragic story as the son of King David reflects the complexity of biblical narratives. The name “faithful” contrasts with his actions.

Amos: The prophet Amos’s name meaning “carried by God” underscores his role as a bearer of divine messages.

Ananias: Known for his role in the early Christian church, his name “God is gracious” reflects a key theme in biblical teachings.

Andrew: One of the first disciples, Andrew’s name meaning “manly” highlights his role as a foundational figure in Christianity.

Andronicus: Meaning “victory of man,” Andronicus’s mention in the New Testament underscores the early Christian community’s diversity.

Apollos: A prominent early Christian preacher, his name derived from the Greek god Apollo reflects his eloquence and impact.

Augustus: Although not a biblical figure, Caesar Augustus’s role in the New Testament narrative as the emperor at Jesus’ birth is significant.

Azriel: Meaning “God is my help,” this name reflects the importance of divine assistance in biblical traditions.

Barabbas: His story highlights the tension in the trial of Jesus. The meaning of his name, “son of the father,” has intriguing theological implications.

Barak: The name “lightning” connects to Barak’s role as a military leader and his swift action in battle.

Barnabas: An influential early Christian figure, Barnabas’s name means “son of encouragement,” reflecting his supportive role in the church.

Bartholomew: One of Jesus’ disciples, his name means “son of Talmai,” which links to his role in the early Christian community.

Benjamin: The youngest son of Jacob, Benjamin’s name means “son of the right hand,” symbolizing his favored status.

Bishop: While not a biblical name per se, it carries significant ecclesiastical meaning derived from its Greek roots.

Boaz: Known for his role in the Book of Ruth, Boaz’s name signifies strength and swiftness.

Cain: The story of Cain and Abel is foundational in biblical narrative, with the name meaning “acquired” or “to get.”

Caleb: A figure known for his faithfulness, Caleb’s name meaning “dog” or “faithful” reflects his steadfastness.

Christopher: Though not biblical, the name “Christ-bearer” reflects the essence of Christian symbolism.

Cleophas: His name “glory of the father” ties into his role in the resurrection story.

Cornelius: The Roman centurion’s conversion marked a significant moment in the early church. His name meaning “horn” reflects strength and authority.

Cyrus: Known for his role in freeing the Israelites, Cyrus’s name meaning “sun” or “hero” fits his historical importance.

Daniel: His name “God is my judge” reflects his role as a prophet who remained faithful despite adversity.

Darius: As a Persian king, his name meaning “he who holds the goodness” is fitting given his role in biblical history.

David: A central figure in the Bible, his name meaning “beloved” underscores his favored status as king.

Deacon: While not a personal name in the Bible, it represents a role of service and leadership in early Christian communities.

Demetrius: His name meaning “devoted to Demeter” reflects his Greek heritage and significance in early Christian circles.

Eleazar: His name “God has helped” fits his role as a high priest and helper.

Eli: The priest and judge’s name meaning “ascension” or “my God” reflects his spiritual role.

Elias: The Greek form of Elijah, meaning “the Lord is my God,” reflects the prophet’s pivotal role in biblical history.

Elijah: Known for his dramatic ascension to heaven, Elijah’s name meaning “the Lord is my God” reflects his strong prophetic role.

Elisha: Elijah’s successor, his name meaning “God is my salvation,” highlights his role in continuing prophetic work.

Elon: A lesser-known biblical figure, Elon’s name meaning “oak tree” symbolizes strength and stability.

Emmanuel: A name deeply rooted in Christian theology, meaning “God is with us,” signifies the presence of the divine.

Esau: His name meaning “hairy” contrasts with his brother Jacob’s more subtle attributes.

Ethan: A name meaning “strong” or “enduring,” fits the biblical figure known for his wisdom.

Evan: A Welsh variant of John, meaning “God is gracious,” connects to the broader biblical tradition of grace.

Ezekiel: A prophet known for his visions and prophecies, Ezekiel’s name meaning “God’s strength” reflects his role as a divine messenger.

Felix: His name meaning “lucky” or “successful” reflects the Roman official’s role in the New Testament.

Gabriel: The archangel Gabriel’s name meaning “God is my strength” highlights his role as a divine messenger.

Gad: The name meaning “luck” or “fortunate” fits Gad’s role as one of Jacob’s sons.

Gideon: Known for his leadership in battle, Gideon’s name meaning “great warrior” fits his role as a deliverer.

Giovanni: The Italian variant of John, meaning “God is gracious,” connects to the broader Christian tradition.

Habakkuk: A prophet with a name that may mean “embrace” or “fragrant plant,” reflecting the mystery and depth of his messages.

Haggai: His name meaning “to make a pilgrimage” connects to his role in urging the rebuilding of the Temple.

Herod: A complex figure in the Bible, his name meaning “song of the hero” contrasts with his more controversial actions.

Hiram: Known for his alliance with King David, Hiram’s name meaning “exalted brother” reflects his supportive role.

Hosea: A prophet with a name meaning “salvation” or “he helps,” reflecting his role in calling for repentance.

Ian: A Scottish variant of John, meaning “God is gracious,” widely used and recognized in various cultures.

Ichabod: His name meaning “where is the glory” reflects the loss and lamentation over the capture of the Ark.

Isaac: His name meaning “he will laugh” reflects the joy and disbelief of his parents at his birth.

Isaiah: A major prophet, his name meaning “God is salvation” reflects his role in foretelling the coming of the Messiah.

Ishmael: Known as a patriarch in Islam, his name meaning “heard by God” reflects his significant role in biblical and Islamic traditions.

Israel: Meaning “one who struggles with God,” the name reflects Jacob’s spiritual journey and the formation of the Israelite nation.

Ivan: A Slavic variant of John, meaning “God is gracious,” connects to a rich tradition of names derived from the biblical John.

Baby boy names
Baby boy names


Uzziah, also known as Azariah, was a king of Judah who reigned during a prosperous period. The name Uzziah means “God is my strength” in Hebrew.


Zachariah, or Zechariah, was a prophet and a figure in the Bible whose name means “Yahweh has remembered” or “God remembers” in Hebrew.


In the Bible, Zadok was a high priest during the reigns of David and Solomon. The name Zadok means “righteous” or “just” in Hebrew.


Zebulun was one of the twelve sons of Jacob and the founder of the Tribe of Zebulun. His name is often interpreted to mean “exalt” or “honor” in Hebrew.


Zephaniah was one of the twelve minor prophets in the Bible. His name means “Yahweh has hidden” or “Yahweh protects” in Hebrew.


Though not a personal name in the Bible, Zion is significant as a term referring to the city of David or Jerusalem. The name is derived from a Hebrew root meaning “fortification” or “strength.”

These names reflect a rich array of meanings and historical contexts, often with deep spiritual or cultural significance. If you need more information or have questions about any specific name or its context, feel free to ask!

Biblical boy names and meanings ! Unique & Modern


  • Origin: Latin
  • Meaning: “happy, fortunate”
  • Description: Felix is an ancient name that has gained modern appeal over recent decades. It offers a distinguished alternative to more common names like Frank and Fred. Popular across Europe and English-speaking countries, Felix carries a timeless charm with its roots in Latin.


  • Origin: Aramaic, Latin, Greek
  • Meaning: “of the forest; or prayed for”
  • Description: Silas is a sleek, sophisticated name with both mythological and Biblical origins. It has recently entered the US Top 100 and complements names like Isaiah, Atlas, Elias, and Sebastian, blending historical depth with a contemporary feel.


  • Origin: Latin diminutive of Judah
  • Meaning: “praised”
  • Description: Jude has enjoyed steady popularity, buoyed by cultural references like Jude Law and the iconic Beatles song “Hey Jude.” It strikes a balance between modern appeal and enduring classicism.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “help”
  • Description: Ezra boasts a strong Biblical legacy and a fresh, streamlined sound. It has reached new heights in popularity and could potentially rival names like Elijah and Noah in the Top 10.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “fortunate, blessed, happy one”
  • Description: Asher is a soft yet meaningful Old Testament name that’s on the rise. It remains a favorite on Nameberry for its gentle tone and positive connotations.


  • Origin: English variation of Jacob, Hebrew
  • Meaning: “supplanter”
  • Description: A quintessential classic, James has been a top choice in the US for ages. It recently topped a poll of America’s favorite boys’ names and is the most common male name across generations.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “rest, repose”
  • Description: Noah has evolved from a traditional Old Testament name to a top-ranking choice, peaking at Number 1 in 2013. It has maintained its place as a favorite for the past seven years.


  • Origin: Persian
  • Meaning: “sun”
  • Description: Cyrus is a name that has steadily gained popularity since the mid-90s. It sits comfortably between overly common and too unusual, making it a unique yet accessible choice.


  • Origin: Latin form of Luke
  • Meaning: “man from Lucania”
  • Description: Lucas is a Top 10 name with a close relation to Luke. Sharing the same roots and meaning, Lucas offers a slightly more modern feel while maintaining the classic appeal of its counterpart.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “strong, firm”
  • Description: Ethan strikes a balance between classic and contemporary. Boosted by its association with Tom Cruise’s Mission Impossible character, Ethan remains popular in the US and other countries despite a slight dip from its peak.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “joined, attached”
  • Description: Levi offers a lighter, energetic take on biblical names. Its vibrant ending and association with Levi Strauss jeans give it a casual flair combined with Old Testament gravitas.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “dog; whole heart”
  • Description: Caleb has been a consistent favorite in the US Top 100 for nearly thirty years. It combines classic appeal with a sense of enduring popularity.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “Yahweh is God”
  • Description: Elijah, a Top 10 name, has strong Biblical roots. The prophet Elijah’s dramatic story of ascending to heaven in a chariot of fire makes this name both inspiring and timeless.


  • Origin: Greek from Hebrew
  • Meaning: “God is good”
  • Description: Tobias blends Old Testament charm with a Dickensian touch. It’s one of several s-ending names gaining popularity, offering a distinguished yet approachable option.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “gift of God”
  • Description: Nathaniel, derived from Netan’el, means “gift of God” and appears in both the Old and New Testaments. Known as Nathanael in the New Testament, it’s a name with rich Biblical significance.


  • Origin: Aramaic
  • Meaning: “twin”
  • Description: Thomas is a perennial classic that balances strength and gentleness. It’s a favorite in the UK, France, Australia, and remains a staple in the US Top 100.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “son of the right hand”
  • Description: Benjamin has been a popular name for decades, consistently ranking in the US Top 50 and the Top 10 from 2015 to 2023. It has a longstanding history of favor.


  • Origin: Hebrew; Japanese
  • Meaning: “healer; born in the morning”
  • Description: Asa is a short, strong name with multicultural appeal. It has gained visibility, partly due to actor Asa Butterfield’s prominence, and is valued for its distinctive yet approachable sound.


  • Origin: Greek, Hebrew
  • Meaning: “my strength is God”
  • Description: Ozias is an intriguing choice currently outside the US Top 1000. It’s derived from Uzziah and has literary ties from Wilkie Collins’ novel “Armadale.” Its nicknames, Oz and Ozzie, add to its appeal.


  • Origin: Hebrew
  • Meaning: “God is my strength”
  • Description: Gabriel is a beloved biblical name with angelic connotations. Derived from Gavri’el, it combines the strength of “gever” and the divine reference “’el,” making it a lighter yet powerful choice.

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