More than 42 million people worldwide are suffering from diabetes. Diabetes can be controlled by lowering blood sugar levels. Diabetes can be cured quickly if lifestyle changes are made from the beginning.
It is especially important to change the diet of diabetic patients. Foods that have a low glycemic index are particularly beneficial for diabetics. So keep some nutritious vegetables daily-
Carrots contain beta carotene, fiber, vitamin K1, vitamin A and a lot of antioxidants. Apart from this, the amount of glycemic index in carrots is very low, only 16.
So eating carrots will not increase the blood sugar level but will decrease it. Because this vegetable reduces the risk of type 2 diabetes. So put carrots in salad every day. You can also make different dishes and eat them with this vegetable.
Diabetics should eat broccoli every day. It contains many nutrients including iron, vitamin C, fiber, protein, calcium, magnesium.
Sulforaphane, a compound in broccoli, protects blood vessels from damage in diabetic patients. The amount of glycemic index in it is only 15. So you can keep this vegetable daily.
The role of cucumber in weight loss is immense. It contains a lot of water. It helps keep the body hydrated.
Recent studies show that the nutrients in cucumber help the human body produce insulin. It has only 14 glycemic index. As a result, blood sugar levels are controlled by eating cucumber.
Lady’s finger
lady’s finger is very beneficial for diabetic patients. It contains potassium, vitamin B, vitamin C, folic acid, calcium, fiber etc.
Its glycemic index is only 17-20. So, you can safely keep your feet every day. It keeps blood sugar levels under control.
Tag: vegetables for diabetics to avoid, what green vegetable is bad for diabetes, fruits and vegetables for diabetics, what fruits and vegetables should diabetics avoid, vegetables for diabetics indian, is cabbage good for diabetics, are peas good for diabetics, is cucumber good for diabetics