People suffering with anxiety disorders and also generalized anxiety disorder are even higher. The risk factors related with anxiety and tobacco use consist of a tense childhood, trouble tolerating negative emotions and thoughtlessness.
Nicotine and mood has connection with each other. Studies suggests that nicotine in cigarettes affects your brain and stimulates mood. Anxiety is feeling afraid, worried, or alarmed. Generally people feel anxiety in problematic situations of their life and get back to better feelings when the situation ends.
Anxiety becomes a problem when it continues in life. As a result of anxiety you might be feeling depressed, have trouble sleeping, heart might race, you could feel weak or have stomach complications. Some smokers believe that smoking comforts their anxiety and they continue to smoke even more. This causes as smoking discharges their nicotine removal symptoms. This relief is always temporary, anxiety is likely to return and the problems continue. The continuing situations will return the cigarette smoker to the same level of anxiety as he had before the cigarette.