Certainly, Google can give solution of your maximum queries in present days. As Google knows everything then is it really necessary to memorize everything or giving extra load on brain! From my view itâs totally absurd. But then again, there have an important logic, less education is dangerous which allow us to ask question repeatedly. So if you gather less knowledge and check internet frequently then that is going to kill time massively. In case that, my logic is, you have no need to know everything but you should have known basic necessary information that can help you in job and survival.
When an employer wants to hire an employee, they may expect a superman or superwomen against the position. But why! Employers should be loyal for hiring an employee. An interviewer who is expert in particular subject or get well prepared before taking an interview, can expect that the interviewee must know everything that the interviewer knows already. Luckily they can get an expected candidate who knows many thing but do they know that the candidate may have weakness in management, computer skill, leadership etc. So, knowing everything cannot measure well candidacy of a job seeker.
Lessen the extra effort of exam managingÂ
Arranging an exam is not as easier as we see it. Itâs a composition of multiple steps. For example, knocking every candidate, propositioning of exam place, checking each laptop/device, preparing question, guiding throughout exam time, collecting each file from each candidate and many other responsibilities. These harassment gone when exam system becomes online. In this simple system the job seekers knows the exam time and time limitation to submit. So they can easily take part in exam in their available time. The manager of employer check the answer in his/suitable time. So, all complications get compiled in an easier online job exam system.
Employer can identify technical efficiency of the job seeker
Employer can add tricky question about the job and candidate own. So, the employer will be able to know time management sense, writing skills, interpersonal skills, job related skills of the candidate.
The manager should have describe all the guidelines to the candidate in email to take part in exam. If the job seeker is not expert in virtual tasks then he/she will not be able to complete the exam properly. Can you imagine an office which is running without any device! Okay letâs imagine an office which has many devices but no internet connection. Ohh no! That will be a horror story. The days of keeping files record manually has gone. The files now a days doesnât get fill with a layer of dust on shelves. In this digital era, online storage is most demanded and offer secure storage too. So, it is necessary to know the expertise of an employee in technology too. If you are going to hire an employee then the online based exam system will make sure you the proficiency of candidate in virtual work.
Employer can check job seekers loyalty
Its about open book exam!
When the exam is online based then there have probability that candidate may search for answer in internet. In that case, if the candidate only do copy and paste unethically that can be caught. The organization should check all the answers in plagiarism checker which allow them to know the job seekers loyalty. The job seekers can search for any term or quotations that he/she forgotten or can search a topic to get an idea to write. If he would involve in a job then he should search the unknown or forgotten topics he asked to do in office. This is not a very big issue.
The thing that the employer needs to know about the candidate is, his quick thinking capacity, well organized writing and overall management. For example, think that employer asked a question on a topic to write in exam that the candidate cannot remembering in that specific time. The candidate would able to write the answer if he would have single clue on it. So keeping blank space of a question doesnât always mean that the candidate doesnât know about it. That is why open book exam need to keep for flexibility of both job candidate and employer.
No chance to loose proficient candidate
Sometimes a job seeker wants to attend the job exam but due to lack of time, leave or distance they cannot attend the exam. So, there have an option to lose a preferable candidate by the employer. In that case if the candidate would have the opportunity to sit for exam anywhere then probably he could able to attend the exam.
Can ensure systemic exam conduct
This online exam system conducting is so purposeful and systematic. Here a pre-designed system asked for systematic question answers to the candidate. The candidate get a flexible limitation of time within which he/she can sit for the exam and finish the exam based on the system time limit.
Job seeker can give full concentration in exam
Job seekers do not feel any hassle for sitting the exam in online system. They manage a flexible time for them and can write in cool mind. This is very positive for both employer and job seeker. As job seeker doesnât remain under pressure of uncertain things so employers get opportunity to judge the real value of the candidate.
Interview taking becomes easier
The final selection can be face to face interview. In that case the employer know well about the candidatesâ capacity for the desired position. So, the interviewer should not have any confusion to select final candidate for the position.
Take less time in recruitment process
The overall recruitment process to hire a desired employee become shorten. The recruiter can conduct the exam without any hassle in this process. Â Overall, a big time saves here.
Finally no hassle, no tension and no mismanagement in online exam system. Employers should rethink about their employee management system. Do not keep yourself limit in manual system. Be updated and update your organization.