Its time to know about how job and our surrounding is effecting our life.
Our childhood is like a doe of raw soil. Its shape depends on our family, surrounding environment, social structures and so on. We do not get chance to make ourselves in our way always. But when we start to understand our own, then its get too late to reach our destined way.
Due to security reason, doing job is the most preferable thing to do. A job holderâs family expect that their children will also do a secure job to secure their life. A business man family expect that their children will lead the business in future. Parents who didnât able to fill their dream expect that their children will fill their dream.
Did you ever think about it! Job means what? Regular job is giving service to people in exchange of a secure amount of monthly money. Obviously you are subordinate of others in this case. Business is quite different. The similarity with job is, you are also serving people here but not as a subordinate but as a boss. Though business has no security, you can lose or win here. Entrepreneur also serve people as a leader with a destined mind. They get peace of working independently. So everywhere serving people is common in different ways.
Lets know little about the role of our social surrounding! Our parents, relatives and society people keep role as an observer who can comments only to influence our life but doesnât play any role in our livelihood earning. At the end of the day we are main responsible person for our own. Basically, they act as a social entertainer in our life. An unemployment person know the pain of not getting a job where the social pressure put them in more depression. We have our own motive in our life where the social motivation put us into indecision.
Too much pressure and disappointment in job
Job pressure keep us in extreme disappointment. Do you know that you can take too much pressure for the tasks you love? You think yourself in pressure when your boss impose work on you and you should not be love that. Our love for work motivate us to do more work. For example I like to write for my blogs, and I never felt pressure to do it. Though it consume much time than other things. However, when it is time for office work, believe me, I feel like someone is pressing my head by a big stone. So, you cannot avoid job pressure and you cannot die also. The only thing you can do is continuing hospitality with smiley face. Your mind can go through hectic time but you have to continue everything. The pressure sometimes can be too much to take which eat your brain and mind daily. But think once, if the same effort we spend for our loving tasks then we would able to do more and more. Before standing in mirror sometimes you can find yourself as a slave of world. Though you are already. So do not be late to run for your own choice. If you are bind to do the job then you should manage your time for doing other creative works.
Responsibility and social pressure
Those who doesnât do job remain in a pressure like ending of the world from their surrounding environment. While we growing, our mind start to love special things. Sometimes we get the opportunity to follow our mind. But most of the time we follow the reality. Our mind remain aside when we do our regular job. We wanted to do something special but we do different things. We remain depressed and cannot concentrate most of the time on our current job. The responsibilities becomes a huge pressure on us. We move towards a life that was predestined. We forget our own selves. With time, responsibilities imposes on our shoulder and we get bound slowly to complete those responsibilities for family and children. Though, we never forget our wants and dreams but those peep in mind when we see others.
In decision
itâs a very common thing. We want many thing to do but indecision waste our time very badly. We run without any specific motto and finally jump into a big hole. For example, I wanted to be a blogger but my parent wanted to make me a government worker, my relatives wanted to see me as a social service worker, my friends wanted to see me as a model. Everyone wants obviously impacted on me. Its always put pressure on mind hugely. Indecision into us generate from various opinion of various side. Â So what you need in this case? You need to think about yourself. Do not motivate by others. Your life is solely yours and you have the right to take final decision.
Job dissimilarity with academic background
Itâs very common thing in this era. Too much competition in job market and different social perspective creates job dissimilarity. Our academic experiences becomes totally change in professional life. Some people choose it intentionally but some are impose in it. Our all achievements and education in academic life remain only in certificates. All subjects doesnât create same level of job opportunities. Some subjects has vast job opportunities and some have few. Some subjects may not have job opportunities in your country but may available in other countries. So huge depression creates during subject dissimilarity or mismatching job life. There may not have other ways to get back too. Think about the people who are not getting job in this competitive era. They are struggling for single work. Why you are so depressed! You should have left many other favorite things left to do aside. Try to engage your pastime with those works. Do not waste your time by thinking yourself looser. You win only when you run for your destiny but not sitting idle.
Okay now its time for a solution!
Think positive, take risk and do what you want
If you are predestined to do a job, then its okay. Job pressure is very common thing. Create a place of appreciation in your job. Express your creativity. It will inspire you to do more work. Try to love your work and slowly you should habituate into it.
Job sometimes can be your top priority to do but may be for a secure amount of monthly money. Then you should continue it. But do not forget to spend your pastime in your desire works. May be you wanted to be a freelancer, a blogger, a social entrepreneur, or social activist, youtuber, musician or anything. Then spend your all free time for your dream.
If you are in indecision and running like a pimple ball then you should stop for a while to re-think. You should run for a destined a route rather moving madly. The route you love most, run for it. Forget about career in that case. Your whole hearten work is bound to bring success for you.
If you think ever that you are failing in your walking steps then you should be a coward. Remember that time talks. May be you should have done any fault that putting you in failure. Think about it. Success doesn’t come in a day. Try again and again. And most importantly keep trust in you. Forget the word âlateâ. If you can discover what you want then run for it.