Gender Based Violence (GBV) is also understand as Violence against Women.
GBV is mainly the violence of human rights where men commits violence and women experience the violence. This violence against women happen mainly due to unequal distribution of power, gender discrimination and lower socio-economic status of women. GBV involves intimate partner violence, spousal beating, sexual abuse, forced abortion, early marriage, forced marriage, unwanted pregnancy, sexual harassment in school or household, trafficking of women and girl and so many.
GVB may result in physical, sexual, psychological or economic harm or suffering to women. Women sexual and reproductive health remain in high risk of early death, sexually transmitted infection and trauma.
Sexual abuse can generally specified in three different categories are family violence, community violence and state violence. Family violence take place by family persons which includes battering, marital rape, sexual abuse by family persons or close relatives, force marriage, early marriage, verbal abuse etc. Community violence commit by unknown persons which includes rape, bullying, forced prostitution, trafficking, public humiliation etc. State violence commit by Government personnel like border official, police guard, refugee camp guard like person.
Though GBV doesn’t always mean that men do not face any violence where they also face violence generally by same gender. However, men doesn’t endure the same consequences that women suffer. Women most of the cases have fewer option to avoid abusive situations compare with men.