Losing weight is never easier. Lots of patience is needed. Fitness is the ultimate result of patience. You may intended to eat less in a day but hunger may never allows you. It’s all about your level of control. At morning you have decided to eat less by standing in front of glass. But during lunch time you are seeing your box is full with delicious foods or your colleagues are thinking about a party. So, there may have no ways to avoid any. Diet doesn’t means to eat less or avoid protein and fatty foods totally. You are sustaining in the earth with a single life for few days which can demand many thing. Who says you to avoid the delicious foods. Never say no to any food. Just follow some tactics. Your weight will remain your own control.
Full your plates with food items:
Happy to hear, Right! Yes, this is always a best idea to fill up your plate with foods. But food items need to be healthier like vegetable, fruits etc. Keep little amount of fat and protein foods like bean, nuts, seed, meat etc which will increase your desire to eat. When your plate remains full with such healthier items then you feels that you are eating many. This is the best trick to play with brain. But the items you are taking is extremely helpful for your health and loose your weight at same time.
Never make yourself hungry:
If you wait to get hungry before taking food then you are doing a big mistake. Always take food timely before you become extremely hungry. Hunger allows you to take more food rather than optimum. No one has the power to control over food in that situation. If you feel little hungry before lunch or dinner then take a piece of biscuit or bread. Some food items like an egg in morning, a chocolate bar in midday, a coconut in afternoon and a glass of milk in night helps you to work for longer hour without feeling hungry.
Eat fiber rich foods:
Fiber rich foods also helps you to keep sustain for longer hours without feeling hungry. Pea, lentil, bean, avocado, oatmeal, potatoes with skin, apple etc are name of some fiber rich foods. These foods helps you in good digestion and weight loss.
Drink a glass of water before meal:
Before mealtime if you take a glass of water after then you will be able to take less amount of food. Also drinking water immediate after eating food can make your abdomen bigger.