Manage 404 problem!
By seeing 404 pages in your website you must be tensed! Do not worry. We have solutions for managing 404 problem.
404 is one of harassing problem for your site. This problem push your site ranking lower in search engines. To avoid this problems in your WordPress site we should consider the following two plugins-
1. All 404 Redirect to Homepage
The plugin by Fakhri Alsadi helps to redirect 404 pages to home page or any custom page. The 404 error pages hurts the rank of your site, this smart plugin is a simple solution to handle 404 error pages by using 301 redirect.
Download this Free plugin-All 404 Redirect to Homepage
2. Redirection
Redirection by John Godley manage all your 301 redirects and monitor 404 errors. This is the most popular redirect manager for WordPress. With it you can easily manage 301 redirection, keep track of 404 errors, and generally tidy up any loose ends your site may have. This can help reduce errors and improve your site ranking.
Download this Free plugin-Redirection