Are your lips facing darkness, discoloration, black spots and dryness? Do not worry! There have multiple natural solutions for you to remove lips darkness.
Lips are one of major part of skin which can help you to look stunning. Sometimes darkness in lips imposes us to cover it by lipstick. But natural pink color lips gives you natural beautiful look.
This is embarrassing to us when we see our lips having black spots. A number of women face this dark outline and discoloration in their lips. So what can be the solution of these problem?
The major and important reason of black lips is lack of moisture. In that case you can do two things regularly-
1. Apply moisturizer on lips before sleep at night. You can also use coconut oil or olive oil as moisturizer.
2. Drink daily 7 to 8 glass water so that your body can hold necessary moistures.
Besides these daily care tips you can also apply following homemade packs on your lips-
Homemade pack 1
– Apply honey and lemon mixtures on your lips for 1 hour and continue for 3 to 4 times in a week.
Homemade pack 2
– Apply sugar with honey. This mixture works good as scrub for lips. Scrub your lips for 5 to 8 minutes and keep for additional 10 minutes. Continue for 2 to 3 times in a week.
Homemade pack 3
– Turmeric and milk mixture also very effective for getting back lips true color. Apply this mixture on your lips and keep for 20 minutes. Continue for 2 to 3 times in a week.
Homemade pack 4
–Â Glycerin is very useful for lips. Apply whenever you have time.
Additional tips –
1. Wear SPF lipstick when you are outside. Do not let you lips expose to sun.
2. Quit smoking.
3. Eat balanced diet and stay hydrated.
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