
How to translate, create and add any new language subtitle in video easily

Last updated on September 30th, 2023 at 02:01 pm

How to translate, create and add any new language subtitle in video easily.

A video with subtitle attracts its audience more. It’s very natural that local or national language is not understandable by other nations people. So many people prefers to add International level Language in the video as subtitle. On the other hand, a video of international level language or any other country language is not understandable by the person of another locations. This is why its needs to add new language subtitle in the video preferring the area needs.

For example, if your video is in German or Bengali language and you want to convert the language in English then you need to make an subtitle file first based on the converted language and then add the file in your video.

For making a subtitle file you can use subtitle making software like Subtitle edit or Aegisub. I like to use Aegisub for making subtitle file. You can also make a subtitle file by simply using notepad.

See here- how to make a subtitle file using notepad.

Follow the steps to make a subtitle file using Aegisub. The software is also easy to use and free to download.

– Click on video option and open your destination video.

-Now play the video and translate the video language in your destination language. Write the translated subtitle in the box and edit the start and end time. Press “Enter” in keyboard to add new lines.

-Save the subtitle file when you translated the subtitles in new language.

– In Aegisub the subtitle file save as .ass file. Through this online converter link you can convert the .ass file in to .srt file.

Now, you just left to embed the subtitle file with the video. Open the video in any player and simply drag the subtitle file in that video. You will be able to see the subtitle in the video Footer. However, it’s also easy to add the subtitle file in your video permanently.

See here- how to add subtitle file in your video permanently.

On the other hand, if your video is already containing subtitle then it’s easy to extract the subtitle when needed.

See here- how to extract subtitle from YouTube video

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