Obesity or overweight is one of highlighted problem now a days. The reasons for this disease or problem are excessive consumption of junk food or fast foods, irregular diet and genetic reasons. Overweight make one susceptible to many diseases while heart diseases and stroke are very common. Do not disappoint if you are already facing overweight problem. Just take control on yourself and maintain a regular diet.
An amazing food can help you to burn your fat tremendously. The miracle food is mixture of cucumber and yogurt. Yogurt is very healthy and effective for health. Try to make yogurt by your own at home, it is very easy to make. Cucumber is also very effective to burn your extra fat and when you are taking these food combine then miracle happens. How you will take this mixture every day and also yogurt home making recipe has been mentioned here.
Yogurt and cucumber mixture taking procedure
- Take three table spoon yogurt
- Take 1 fresh cucumber
- Slice the cucumber and mix well with yogurt
- Keep this food in your breakfast
- Try to take the food daily
Yogurt making recipe at home
- Take half liter milk
- Boil the milk very well
- After boiling keep it for 10 to 15 minutes to make cold
- Now add two table spoon yogurt or few drop of lemon juice in boiled milk
- Now store the mixture in warm place for 10 to 12 hours
- After that keep it in refrigerator for 1 to 2 hours
- Your yogurt is ready now