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10 best sites for affiliate marketing in Bangladesh 2024

Top 10 best sites for affiliate marketing from Bangladesh for beginners, bKash affiliate program, How to start affiliate marketing in Bangladesh, Aarong affiliate program, Amazon affiliate marketing in Bangladesh, Bd shop Affiliate Program, affiliate program, Daraz affiliate program

Affiliate marketing has emerged as a popular online business model in Bangladesh, enabling individuals to earn money by promoting products or services and earning commissions on successful referrals. This article explores the top 10 affiliate marketing sites that offer lucrative opportunities for Bangladeshi marketers in 2024.

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Understanding Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing operates on a simple premise – promoting products or services through unique affiliate links. When a user makes a purchase or performs a specified action through the affiliate link, the marketer earns a commission. This model allows for flexible work-from-home opportunities and has gained traction due to its potential for passive income generation.

How does affiliate marketing work?

Affiliate marketing involves several types of commission structures:

  • Pay-per-sale: Earn commissions based on sales generated through your affiliate links.
  • Pay-per-click: Earn commissions for every click on your affiliate link, regardless of whether it leads to a sale.
  • Pay-per-lead: Earn commissions when your referral completes a specific action, such as signing up for a newsletter.

Choosing Profitable Niches for Affiliate Marketing

Successful affiliate marketing begins with selecting profitable niches that align with market demands and consumer interests in Bangladesh. Key niches include fashion, health and wellness, technology, and sustainable products, catering to local preferences and trends.

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Building a Website for Affiliate Marketing

A well-optimized website serves as the cornerstone of your affiliate marketing strategy, facilitating content creation, audience engagement, and conversion optimization. Platforms like WordPress with themes like Generatepress are ideal for building affiliate sites due to their versatility and SEO-friendly features.

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Top 10 Sites for Making Money with Affiliate Marketing from Bangladesh

Amazon Associates Program: Access a vast array of products across various categories, earning commissions on sales made through your affiliate links.

eBay Partner Network: Promote products from eBay’s extensive marketplace and earn commissions on successful transactions.

Impact: Connect with global brands through Impact’s affiliate marketing platform, leveraging advanced tracking and reporting tools.

CJ Affiliate: Partner with renowned brands and access a diverse range of affiliate programs with reliable tracking and payment systems.

Rakuten Advertising Affiliate: Explore affiliate opportunities across multiple industries, benefiting from Rakuten’s extensive network and comprehensive support.

ShareAsale: Join thousands of merchants on ShareAsale to promote products that resonate with your audience, supported by robust tracking and payment solutions.

AliExpress Affiliate Program: Tap into AliExpress’s global reach to promote a wide range of products and earn commissions on international sales.

Avangate Affiliate Network: Specialize in digital products and software solutions, earning competitive commissions in the tech-savvy market.

Skimlinks: Automatically monetize your content by converting product links into affiliate links, simplifying the affiliate marketing process for content creators.

JVZoo: Focus on digital products and internet marketing tools, earning commissions through JVZoo’s transparent transaction tracking and payment systems.

Summary and Conclusion

Affiliate marketing offers substantial earning potential for individuals in Bangladesh, leveraging diverse affiliate networks and strategic niche selection. By building optimized websites, creating engaging content, and driving targeted traffic through SEO and social media, affiliate marketers can maximize their income streams. With the top 10 affiliate marketing sites highlighted in this article, Bangladeshi marketers can capitalize on global opportunities while catering to local market preferences.


How much can I earn with affiliate marketing in Bangladesh? Earnings in affiliate marketing vary based on niche selection, marketing strategies, and audience engagement. With dedication and effective tactics, Bangladeshi marketers can achieve significant income levels over time.

Do I need a website to start affiliate marketing? While not mandatory, a website enhances your affiliate marketing efforts by providing a platform for content creation, audience engagement, and affiliate link promotion.

Are there legal considerations for affiliate marketing in Bangladesh? Affiliate marketers in Bangladesh should adhere to applicable laws and regulations, including consumer protection and taxation requirements, to ensure compliance in their promotional activities.

How long does it take to see results in affiliate marketing? Results in affiliate marketing depend on various factors, including niche competitiveness and marketing strategies. Consistent effort and optimization are crucial for achieving meaningful results.

Can I participate in affiliate programs from outside the USA? Yes, many affiliate programs accept participants globally, including Bangladesh. Reviewing each program’s terms and conditions ensures eligibility and compliance before joining.

For more insights and tips on affiliate marketing strategies, explore our comprehensive resources and start your journey towards financial success today.

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