
Which one is worst? Junk food, Tobacco, Alcohol or Drug????

A report from Global Panel on Agriculture and Food Systems for Nutrition (Glopan) stated that poor diets have a greater risk to our health than alcohol, tobacco, drugs and unsafe sex.

Obesity or overweight is one of bigger concern in current world. This disease is getting very common now a days. Most probably high intake of junk food and fatty food give rising these kinds of diseases. Junk food is rich in sugar, salt, and unhealthy fats. Obesity not only rising by Junk foods or fast foods consumption but also unconsciousness or imbalanced diet is responsible for it. Poor diet may lead also other serious diseases and assumes more dangerous than drugs or alcohols or tobacco effects. An imbalanced diet may give rise serious diseases like obesity, diabetes, heart disease, cancers, high blood pressure and stroke. By maintaining a proper balanced diet one can avoid these diseases to occur.

“Smoking causes cancer”, this term is very popular and most people who take tobacco products (cigarettes) informed about its bad effects. Tobacco products increase the risk of cancer (mostly lung cancer) and heart diseases. Tobacco smokes also causes harm to the people who remains surrounding of a smoker and absorb the harmful cancer causing substance naming nicotine.

Alcohol and drug is very harmful for health which motivate a person slowly towards death. These products not only responsible for serious health conditions but also provoke a person to do crime and it is assumed that cigarette is the preliminary factor that move a person slowly to take alcohol and drug. Alchohol and Drugs cause brain damage, increase the heart attack rate, weaken immune system, damage liver, create serious mental health problems and make oneself susceptible to any infection.

Junk food, Tobacco, Alcohol or Drug, all of these are responsible for serious health problem and early death. Avoid to take these products as much as you can. Spend a healthier and happy life for yourself and for your surroundings.

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