Health and Fitness

How to reheat food items safely?

After eating food, we usually keep it in the fridge. Eat again after heating. This also reduces food wastage. But many people think that it is not safe to eat food by reheating it more than once. We may have questions in our mind like-? How many times can you reheat leftovers? How to reheat leftovers? How to safely reheat food? How Many Times Can You Reheat Food Safely? Can cold food be reheated more than once? How many times can you safely reheat food items?

But many people think that it is not safe to eat food by reheating it more than once. Such vague ideas about food are very common in our society. And Yes, you can reheat food more than once. By following a few simple steps, you can easily store and reheat food. Before knowing this, let’s know why we get sick after eating food.

How we get sick after eating food?

Foodborne bacterial and viral contamination can occur in a variety of ways. Such bacteria can occur naturally in the environment. Viruses do not grow in food and are destroyed at a certain temperature. On the other hand, bacteria can grow in food. But not all bacteria will make you sick. Some bacteria are very beneficial for us. In this case, the bacteria found in yogurt is good for the stomach. Harmful bacteria in food cause illness. Some harmful bacteria easily build up in the stomach. Then the stomach becomes upset, along with other problems may develop.

But during cooking and repeated heating, harmful bacteria slowly die. However, it cannot destroy the toxins or spores created due to it. There is a risk of poisoning by heating. Foods that are not prepared cleanly and carefully, or that are cooled or heated too slowly after cooking, are at risk of developing harmful bacteria.

The type of bacteria that causes foodborne illness usually grows between 5°C and 60°C and grows rapidly at 37°C. Foods that are prone to bacteria growth include meat, dairy, seafood, rice, eggs, pasta, and protein-rich foods.

The culprit is Staphylococcus aureus, the bacteria that causes food poisoning when reheated. Which is in the nose or throat of many people. It produces heat stable toxins or poisons. Which causes vomiting and diarrhea.

Hands must be washed before handling food. Because these bacteria can transfer from hands to food during reheating. Staphylococcus aureus will grow and produce toxins if food is kept at a temperature suitable for bacteria. Subsequent reheating will kill the bacteria but not the toxins.

How to keep food safe?

Temperature should be monitored to reduce bacterial growth. This means keeping cold food cold (below 5°C) and hot food hot (60°C). It also means cooling hazardous foods below 5°C immediately after cooking. This should also be followed in food storage. Cooked hot food should not be refrigerated directly for cooling. Cook and cool in a bowl. Then keep it in another container in the fridge. Foods that are cooked cleanly and cooled quickly will not pose a risk of illness when reheated.

How To Reheat Food Safely?

  1. Always prepare food cleanly while cooking.
  2. Cool quickly after cooking and refrigerate within two hours. Refrigerate for at least four hours after placing in the refrigerator.
  3. Do not heat large quantities of food at once unless necessary. Keep food in separate containers. Heat lightly.
  4. Avoid handling hot food if you are not eating it immediately.
  5. If there is any doubt after this, do not eat the food.

Source: The Guardian

Tags: why is it bad to reheat food twice, how many times can you safely reheat food fda, reheating food guidelines, can you reheat frozen food twice, why can you only reheat chicken once, how many times can you reheat food in the microwave, how many times can you reheat leftovers, what are two safe methods of reheating food? how many times can food be reheated, what temperature should food be reheated to celsius, reheating food guidelines, reheating food temperature, what are two safe methods of reheating food?, why is it bad to reheat food twice, how many times can you safely reheat food fda, can you reheat leftovers twice,

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