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Foods that keep healthy your thyroid

Thyroid problems can divide into two type is hypothyroidism (underactive thyroid) and hyperthyroidism (overactive thyroid). Thyroid gland is one of important gland for metabolism process in our body. Its secreted hormone play vital role in our body functions. For these reason it is important to keep thyroid healthy. Foods that help to keep thyroid healthy has been shared here-  

Green Vegetables

Green leafy vegetables like spinach and lettuce contains rich iodine. Among other vegetables you can take cruciferous vegetables, sweet potato, pumpkin seed etc. Also take vitamin A rich vegetables like carrots and squash.

Iodine rich foods

Lack of iodine create unhealthy thyroid. Table salt can be a good source of iodine and you should make sure that the salt you are taking every day is rich in iodine. Tuna fish, shrimp, mushrooms, onions and garlic contains iodine at sufficient amount. Other foods like milk, yoghurt, banana, strawberry, corn etc also contains iodine.

Selenium rich foods

Nut types’ food like cashew or Brazil nuts is very effective for thyroid health. Among other selenium rich food you can take oysters, liver chicken, egg and turkey etc. 

Sea fish

Sea fish contains rich iodine which helps to keep thyroid healthy.

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